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Action typesclassification of maintenance actions always consist ofrelationship where a composed type is the product of component types. one of all Namestext to be used to refer to something |
Action types consist of Names | |
Actionsactivity that belongs to a maintenance that is aimed at fixing a printer or preventing errors always are designated bybe a member of a set designated by a type one of all Action typesclassification of maintenance actions |
Actions are designated by Action types | |
Actionsactivity that belongs to a maintenance that is aimed at fixing a printer or preventing errors always are performed onmoment of carrying through an action to completion one of all Datestime stated in terms of the day, month, and year |
Actions are performed on Dates | |
Actionsactivity that belongs to a maintenance that is aimed at fixing a printer or preventing errors always refer tomention or allude to something or someone one of all Whoperson or party that did something |
Actions refer to Who | |
Actionsactivity that belongs to a maintenance that is aimed at fixing a printer or preventing errors always result incause a particular situation to happen one of all Maintenance closedstate in which maintenance is finished and delivered the desired outcome |
Actions result in Maintenance closed | |
Asset typesclassification of assets always consist ofrelationship where a composed type is the product of component types. one of all Namestext to be used to refer to something |
Asset types consist of Names | |
Assetsmachine that can produce 3 dimensional objects always are designated bybe a member of a set designated by a type one of all Asset typesclassification of assets |
Assets are designated by Asset types | |
Assetsmachine that can produce 3 dimensional objects always are identified bybe established or recognized as a certain person or thing by a specific characteristic one of all Serial numberscombination of text and numbers to be used to uniquely refer to something |
Assets are identified by Serial numbers | |
Assetsmachine that can produce 3 dimensional objects sometimes are categorized bybe put into a category one of all Maintenance cyclesinterval of time during which maintenance on an asset should occur |
Assets are categorized by Maintenance cycles | |
Assetsmachine that can produce 3 dimensional objects sometimes are purchased onto be obtained in exchange for money or its equivalent one of all Datestime stated in terms of the day, month, and year |
Assets are purchased on Dates | |
Assetsmachine that can produce 3 dimensional objects sometimes refer tomention or allude to something or someone one of all Vendorsparty that provides products or services to a business for a fee |
Assets refer to Vendors | |
Assetsmachine that can produce 3 dimensional objects sometimes requireto be needed one or more Maintenanceset of actions that keep a printer in proper condition |
Assets require Maintenance | |
Countriesdistinct part of the world, such as a state, nation, or other political entity always consist ofrelationship where a composed type is the product of component types. one of all Country namesshort name in lower case of a country as used in ISO 3166 (https://www.iso.org/iso-3166-country-codes.html) |
Countries consist of Country names | System type (cannot change) |
Countriesdistinct part of the world, such as a state, nation, or other political entity sometimes consist ofrelationship where a composed type is the product of component types. one of all ISO 3166 Alpha-2 codestwo letter code as used in ISO 3166 (https://www.iso.org/iso-3166-country-codes.html) |
Countries consist of ISO 3166 Alpha-2 codes | System type (cannot change) |
Countriesdistinct part of the world, such as a state, nation, or other political entity sometimes consist ofrelationship where a composed type is the product of component types. one of all ISO 3166 Alpha-3 codesthree letter code as used in ISO 3166 (https://www.iso.org/iso-3166-country-codes.html) |
Countries consist of ISO 3166 Alpha-3 codes | System type (cannot change) |
Countriesdistinct part of the world, such as a state, nation, or other political entity sometimes consist ofrelationship where a composed type is the product of component types. one of all ISO 3166 Numeric codesnumeric code as used in ISO 3166 (https://www.iso.org/iso-3166-country-codes.html) |
Countries consist of ISO 3166 Numeric codes | System type (cannot change) |
Datestime stated in terms of the day, month, and year always consist ofrelationship where a composed type is the product of component types. one of all Days24-hour period during which the earth completes one rotation on its axis, traditionally measured from midnight to midnight |
Dates consist of Days | System type (cannot change) |
Datestime stated in terms of the day, month, and year always consist ofrelationship where a composed type is the product of component types. one of all Monthsunit of time corresponding approximately to one cycle of the moon's phases, or about 30 days or 4 weeks |
Dates consist of Months | System type (cannot change) |
Datestime stated in terms of the day, month, and year always consist ofrelationship where a composed type is the product of component types. one of all Yearsperiod of time during which Earth completes a single revolution around the sun, consisting of 365 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes, and 12 seconds of mean solar time |
Dates consist of Years | System type (cannot change) |
Maintenance cyclesinterval of time during which maintenance on an asset should occur always consist ofrelationship where a composed type is the product of component types. one of all Amountsnumber or sum |
Maintenance cycles consist of Amounts | |
Maintenance cyclesinterval of time during which maintenance on an asset should occur always consist ofrelationship where a composed type is the product of component types. one of all Time unitsunit for measuring time periods |
Maintenance cycles consist of Time units | |
Maintenance typesclassification of maintenance always consist ofrelationship where a composed type is the product of component types. one of all Namestext to be used to refer to something |
Maintenance types consist of Names | |
Maintenanceset of actions that keep a printer in proper condition always are designated bybe a member of a set designated by a type one of all Maintenance typesclassification of maintenance |
Maintenance are designated by Maintenance types | |
Maintenanceset of actions that keep a printer in proper condition always are designated bybe a member of a set designated by a type one of all Problem typesclassification of printer problems |
Maintenance are designated by Problem types | |
Maintenanceset of actions that keep a printer in proper condition always are in statereside in a state (condition or stage) in the physical or conceptual being of something or someone one of all Maintenance closedstate in which maintenance is finished and delivered the desired outcome |
Maintenance are in state Maintenance closed | |
Maintenanceset of actions that keep a printer in proper condition always are registered onbe administered formally or offically at a specific moment one of all Datestime stated in terms of the day, month, and year |
Maintenance are registered on Dates | |
Maintenanceset of actions that keep a printer in proper condition always refer tomention or allude to something or someone one of all Whoperson or party that did something |
Maintenance refer to Who | |
Maintenanceset of actions that keep a printer in proper condition sometimes are annotated bybe furnished with commentary or explanatory notes one of all Notesbrief record, especially one written down to aid the memory |
Maintenance are annotated by Notes | |
Maintenanceset of actions that keep a printer in proper condition sometimes consist ofrelationship where a composed type is the product of component types. one or more Actionsactivity that belongs to a maintenance that is aimed at fixing a printer or preventing errors |
Maintenance consist of Actions | |
Problem typesclassification of printer problems always consist ofrelationship where a composed type is the product of component types. one of all Namestext to be used to refer to something |
Problem types consist of Names | |
Vendorsparty that provides products or services to a business for a fee always consist ofrelationship where a composed type is the product of component types. one of all Namestext to be used to refer to something |
Vendors consist of Names | |
Whoperson or party that did something always consist ofrelationship where a composed type is the product of component types. one of all Namestext to be used to refer to something |
Who consist of Names | |
Whoperson or party that did something sometimes consist ofrelationship where a composed type is the product of component types. one of all Amountsnumber or sum |
Who consist of Amounts |