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With nouns you can define the things and their characteristics in your app. There are three types of nouns you can create:

  • An entity is a thing of interest/importance (e.g. Customer).
  • A descriptor is a grouping of attributes that belong to each other (e.g. Address).
  • An attribute is a characteristic that can be attributed to an entity (e.g. Street name).
Need more explanation about nouns? Go to the tutorial.


With verbs you can define the possible connections between the things (nouns) in your app. There are two types of verbs you can create:

  • An association is a relationship between two Entities (e.g. Customers use Shopping carts).
  • An attribution is an assignment of a characteristic (attribute or descriptor) to an entity (e.g. Grocery products must/may be referred to by Product names).
Need more explanation about verbs? Go to the tutorial.


A statement is a sentence that connects two nouns via a verb. There are three kinds of statements you can write in order to:

  • Associate two entities: by connecting an entity as subject with another entity as object via an association relationship (e.g. Customers use Shopping carts).
  • Characterize an entity: by connecting an entity as subject with a descriptor or attribute as object via an attribution relationship (e.g. Grocery products are referred to by Product names).
  • Construct a descriptor: by connecting a descriptor as subject with an attribute as object via a 'consist of' relationship (e.g. Addresses consist of Street names).
Need more explanation about statements? Go to the tutorial.

Action rules

With action rules you can define the active elements of your app by writing rules. A rule consists of three parts:

  • When: the conditions under which the rule will execute (e.g. When Customer1 checks out Shopping cart1).
  • Do: the actions that will be performed when the rule executes.
  • Then: the operations that are used in the when and/or then parts of the rule.

Rules can have two states:

  • Draft: the rules that are currently still under construction and not yet active in your app.
  • Active: the rules that are currently ready to execute actions under the right data conditions in your app.
Need more explanation about action rules? Go to the tutorial.