
An attribution is an assignment of a characteristic (attribute or descriptor) to an entity (e.g. Grocery products are referred to by Product names).

Existing types:

To is in state is to reside in a state (condition or stage) in the physical or conceptual being of something or someone System type (cannot change)
To refers to is to mention or allude to something or someone System type (cannot change)
To is identified by is to be established or recognized as a certain person or thing by a specific characteristic System type (cannot change)
To is categorized by is to be put into a category System type (cannot change)
To is registered on is to be administered formally or offically at a specific moment
To is performed on is to moment of carrying through an action to completion
To is performed by is to indication of who or what carries through an action to completion
To results in is to cause a particular situation to happen
To is annotated by is to be furnished with commentary or explanatory notes
To is designated by is to be a member of a set designated by a type System type (cannot change)